Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am the current Administrative Assistant for Cracked Open Therapy. I am responsible for coordinating consult calls, answering phones, and establishing new clients.
I am a current student at IUPUI, in hopes of graduating with an MSW and becoming a therapist.
As a human with many previous struggles, I encourage all to reach out for more support. Personally, I understand trauma, addiction, anxiety, sudden loss, motherhood, and so much more that life hits us with sometimes.
If you’re questioning whether to pursue counseling, reach out to us and I would be honored to provide an open, non judgmental space for us to talk and figure out your next best steps.
Some things are not meant to be carried alone.
Cracked Open Therapy
Therapy & Counseling In Noblesville, Serving Indianapolis Metro Area
Address: 185 S 8th St, Noblesville, IN 46060, United States